5 – 10 Minute Plays

Here Comes the Sun
A 10-minute dramedy

Woman (60’s-80’s)

Synopsis:  A woman celebrates the Winter Solstice, with the hope that the healing rays of the sun will heal her from long Covid.

Production History:  Millibo Art Theatre
Spring 2025

Customer Service
A ten-minute comedy

Joy (30’s-60)

Margot (teens – 20’s)

Synopsis:  Joy, the crystal shop owner, is terrified when a bus full of tourists want to shop in her store. Surprisingly, new life paths are forged

Production History:  And Toto Too Play Crawl 2024
Abby Boes, Erica Lee Johnson, Photo credit John Moore

You’re Okay
A five-minute dramedy

Woman (any age)
Man (any age)

Synopsis:  Shopping incites an anxiety attack that only a friend can help heal.

Production History:  And Toto Too, The Play Crawl, Denver, 2022
Kelly Uhlenhopp, Jeff Jessmer, Photo credit John Moore

Up A Tree
A ten-minute comedy



Linda (40’s)
Joe (40’s)

Synopsis:  Linda and Joe, destined to be together since the third grade, share their first kiss only to share the surprise of a lifetime.

Production History:  And Toto Too, The Play Crawl, Denver, 2014
Picture with Laura Aducci and Michael Nuccio 2014

Onward We Row
A ten-minute dramedy

Evelyn (30s-40s)
Hal (68)
Henry (16)

Synopsis: Evelyn must finish painting the house while trying to keep her wandering father with dementia in one place.

Production History:
Staged Reading: Open Eye Theatre, Margaretville, NY, 2020

 Spinster in Paris
A ten-minute comedic monologue

Dorothy (60’s, 70’s, even 80’s – the older the better)

Synopsis: Dorothy begrudgingly sets out on the long journey to her shitty friends’, shitty fourth wedding, in shitty Paris.

Production History:
Staged Reading: One Night Stand Theatre, Denver, 2018
Staged Reading: Follies Play Reading Festival–Sarasota, FL., 2018

 Soups On: Chop, Simmer, Boil

A trilogy of short plays inspired by soup!  To be performed together or separately.

Margie (30’s – 50’s)
Sarah (30’s – 50’s)

Synopsis: Two neighbors prepare delicious creamy beet soup, but the evening turns nasty!

Production History:  One Night Stand Theatre, Denver, 2014


Stacy (60’s)
Frank (60’s)

Synopsis:  An empty-nester couple prepares soup as their nonsexual-therapy homework when the evening turns into a sexy cat-and-mouse game.

Production History: One Night Stand Theatre, Denver, 2015


Becky (30’s – 40’s)
Bob (40’s)
Suzie (20’s)

Synopsis:  It’s Halloween night and Becky is drowning her flu and sorrows in medication. Her husband Bob comes home with his mistress Suzie, wreaking havoc in an already struggling relationship.

Production History:  Blame It On The Playmakers, Denver, 2014


A five-minute comedy

Older Woman (50’s+)
Older Man (50’s+)

Synopsis:  A reserved, conservative woman applies for a writing job in a film office and is harassed by a smarmy Hollywood producer.

Production History:  Theatre Company of Lafayette, CO, 2008 
Picture of Lisa A. and John S.